AZ-Touch MKR

Arduino MKR top wall mounting touchscreen set


The new Arduino MKR series sets up a new standard about form factor, function and performance for Arduino boards in the future. These new boards comes in a compact shape, with a powerful 32 bit Cortex M0 micocontroller Atmel SAM D21  and a charger function for LiPo accumulators. Furthermore Arduino offers in this series different types of MKR modules for different IoT wireless technologies. 

AZ-Touch MKR come in a nice enclosure for wall mounting together with a 2.4 inch resistive touch screen and enables you to mount your Arduino MKR project permanent in your living room, corridor or other exposed places.


NEW: In addition to the Arduino MKR, with the currently available version 2, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, BLE, BLE Sense and RP2040 can now also be used as alternatives.



2.8 inch touchscreen with integrated  ILI9341 display controller, communication via SPI. Touch controller Type XPT2046 and resitive touch.


AZ-Touch MKR can be used together with the following Arduino MKR boards

  • Zero
  • Wifi1010 and 1000
  • FOX1200 (Sigfox)
  • WAN1310 (LoRa)
  • GSM1400
  • NB1500 (NB-IoT)


Furthermore, the following Arduino Nano Boards can now also be used alternatively:

  • Nano 33 IoT
  • Nano 33 BLE
  • Nano 33 BLE SENSE
  • Nano RP2040


Either an Arduino MKR or an Arduino Nano board can be plugged in.

Attention: NOT compatible with the Arduino Portenta and the classic Arduino Nano (with ATMEGA processor)

Add MKR Shields

For the Arduino MKR series are different shields available. Not all of them will fit in our enclosure. Please see the compatibility list below:

  • MKR 485 (RS422 / RS485)
  • MKR MEM (SD card & serial Flash)
  • MKR ENV (sensors)
  • MKR MBUS (metering)


ESP32 ESP8266 Nodemcu touch ILI9341 homeautomation

Enough space for Lithium battery and antenna

The pcb comes with two breakthroughs for antenna and lithium battery cable. The additional battery and antenna can be placed inside the device beside the touchscreen.

Vertical and horizontal mounting

Depending from your project and your software you can mount the enclosure set vertical or horizontal directely on the wall or in front of a flush wall mount box.

ESP32 ESP8266 Nodemcu touch ILI9341 homeautomation
ESP32 ESP8266 Nodemcu touch ILI9341 weather station

Easy connection

A removable terminal block makes installion easier. The pcbs are mounted on the enclosure allowing a rapid substitution of the devices when needed and facilitating the assembling/ disassembling of the enclosure.

Power Supply

The AZ-Touch pcb come with an integrated switching regulator for voltages from 9 to 35V DC. You can connect the power supply via the terminal or an optional DC socket.


The integrated piezo beeper (resonance frequency 4kHz)  can be used to generate acoustic feedback, acknowldge tones or melodies.

Own circuits

A small breadboard area in the top of the pcb can be used for own extensions. 2 poles of the terminal are connected together with some GPIOs and the voltages with solder joints beside the breadboard.


AZ-Touch MKR 2
From 6,00 € 2

This kit is also available at


Current Version with 2.8 inch TFT

Datasheet AZ-Touch MKR (mkII)
Datasheet AZ-Touch MKR Rev B.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 774.3 KB
Assembly Instruction AZ-Touch MKR (mkII)
Assembly Instruction AZ-Touch MKR rev B.
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.8 MB
AZ-Touch schematic (mkII)
AZ-Touch MKR schematic V02-02.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 208.8 KB

Old Version with 2.4 inch TFT

Datasheet AZ-Touch MKR
Rev A
Datasheet Arduitouch MKR Rev A.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 536.4 KB
Assembly Instruction AZ-Touch MKR
Rev A
Assembly Instruction ArduiTouch MKR rev
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB
Schematic AZ-Touch MKR
ArduiTouch MKR schematic V01-01-00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 204.4 KB

Application Notes:

Arduino MKR codelock keypad example
Simple Codelock
Codelock example
Application note for a very simple codelock without any bells and whistles
ArduiTouch MKR Codelock rev A.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 792.4 KB
Codelock source code
for any Arduino MKR board
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 13.2 KB

corona virus tracker for Arduino MKR Wifi 1010
Covid-19 tracker for AZ-Touch MKR

This little tracker will help you to be up to date about the coronvavirus outbreak and the situation in your country. The display shows alternating the current data of different countries of your choice.


Source Code for Arduino MKR Wifi 1010

Arduino MKR thermostat modbus
Thermostat with MODBUS
Thermostat Example
Application note touch controlled thermostat with Modbus for Arduino MKR
ArduiTouch MKR HVAC rev A.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 311.2 KB
Thermostat Arduino MKR
source code for Arduino MKR based modules
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 14.0 KB

Arduino MKR weather station
Weather monitor
Weather Monitor Example
App note of simple weather forecast via Wifi and measuring of indoor temperature, humidity and air pressure via MKR ENV shield
ArduiTouch MKR Weather rev A.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 226.2 KB
Arduino MKR Weather Monitor
source code for Arduino MKR 1010 or 1000 and MKR ENV Shield
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 5.3 KB

Remote Control Home Automation Controller
Remote Control Home Automation Controller

Remote controller project for a personal Home Automation System by Guido Scognamiglio. Includes Thermostate, relay controls, weather forecast ....

Source Code

ArduiTouch MKR Shipping Tracker
Contoso Art Shipping Asset Tracker

Arduino MKRGSM1400 + MKRENV shield application that implements an asset tracking solution for a fictional art shipping company, Contoso Art Shipping by Benjamin Cabé. This application sends telemetry information such as temperature, humidity, etc. to Azure IoT Central using MKR1400's cellular modem.

Source Code

RFID access control with AZ-Touch
RFID access control with AZ-Touch

Simple RFID access control reader example based on MFRC522 chip.


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From 13th July until 23th July 2024 we will be taking a holiday. 

All orders placed and paid during this time will not be processed or sent until our return from Wednesday, 24th July 2024.

Thank you for your understanding!